Speeding up your I2P network
There is always space for improvement.
Many people feel that the I2P network is way too slow.
It is understandable, but there are good reasons that I2P is supposed to be slow. Firstly, since I2P employs garlic routing technique, your data typically have to go through 6+6=12(!) different routers for anonymization. It decreases the network speed significantly.
Also, unlike Tor, I2P was primarily designed as a closed network. You can easily access eepsites or other resources inside I2P, but you are not supposed to access clearnet websites through I2P. There exist a few I2P “outproxies” similar to Tor’s exit nodes to access clearnet, but most of them are extremely slow and/or unstable. You have a better chance to speed up anonymous clearnet access if you use the Orchid plugin, but after all, Orchid is Tor.
Having said, there are still some ways to speed up I2P. They will improve not only your connection but also the I2P network as a whole. Here are two tips, please try.
Adjusting bandwidth limits
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